How it all began.

My Story

Hello all, I'm Leo Wang, fitness influencer and calisthenics coach.

I started my journey a few years ago, from basically nothing.

I didn't have a coach nor equipment besides a pull up bar and 2 chairs.

I had myself, and the urge to better myself. I had to teach myself calisthenics using the tools I do have: google and…more google.

I started doing a lot of research and gathered information on everything I wanted to learn

Even though I often ran into clickbait and misinformation, I managed to get better. I became obsessed with calisthenics. It felt rewarding. Every workout felt different and I could train freely almost anywhere, while achieving my goals. 

Unlike my previous experience with weightlifting, I found my achievements to be more tangible, it was more than just a number on a plate. I could physically see how I progressing by unlocking new skills.

Calisthenics allowed me to become the best version of myself and it is still crazy to see how far I have come.

A year ago I started my social media journey.

I started posting videos of my workouts every day, and slowly I noticed the way people  are reacting to what I thought was normal. 

Before I knew it people were messaging me everyday telling me how I motivated them and how inspired them to start working out. Hearing all of those stories made me keep going till this day.

People were starting to understand how weightlifting wasn't their only option and how calisthenics brings something new to the table. A way to move freely, and gain full control of your body while making it stronger. It's amazing. I kept getting messages asking questions and seeking help, which eventually led me to create these programs to include all your answers in one place. 

The programs include the things I learned along the way and provide you with the tools to start calisthenics yourself.

Whether you're just starting out or already have workout experience, my programs can help you achieve your goals. 

I will clear up any questions you have about calisthenics and guide you along your own journey.

If you want to finally gain control over your body, you're at the right place.